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Oil Filter and Oil, with General Health Check.
Oil, Air, Cabin Filter and Oil, with General Health Check.
Oil, Air, Cabin Filter and Oil plus Spark Plugs or Fuel Filter, with General Health Check.
Whether it be a simple cone air filter to full fledge Engine upgrades ranging from the front of the engine to the back of the exhaust, all the way to the 4 wheels that keep you in contact with the floor. We have you covered and to top it off well have you leaving with a Remap to go along with the upgrades. (Remapping pricing dependant on vehicle and are only a guide).
Price varies dependant on what work needs carrying out.
Stage 1 Tune requiring no additional Modifications then when your vehicle left the Showroom
Stage 2 Tune requiring at least a High Flow downpipe/Sport-Cat to get the extra power gain you require along with a nicer sounding exhaust.
Stage 3 Tunes include the above as well as upgrades but not limited to the air intake, intercoolers, Turbos, Suspension, Fuel injectors, Fuel Pumps and Engine Internals.
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